(photo source)
So if you’re one of those people who have always been diligent with paperwork, let me just tell you I’m a little jealous because this is an area I’ve always struggled with.
But I’m getting into better habits to tame the paper monster that work better for my lifestyle and I thought it would be a good time to share.
Stop the Junk Before It Starts
Go paperless!! We are in the future and you can receive most if not all of your statements and bills exclusively online. Whenever this is an option I take it! There is really no reason to not opt to be a paperless customer.
Ruthlessly unsubscribe with PaperKarma! PaperKarma is a fantastic app that is incredibly elegant and easy to use. Just take a picture of the item of mail you’d like to unsubscribe from and send it off to PaperKarma. PaperKarma will send a notification to the company that you no longer wish to be subscribed and then poof(!)
It takes about 6 weeks or so for the unsubscribing to take, but it works! This little app has definitely cut down the amount of junk mail I receive and I’m so grateful for it.
Find a Method That Works for YOU
The organization articles I’ve read tend to advise to manage your mail right at that moment…shred the second a piece of spammy mail passes your front door! And while I really do see the value in this practice honestly it is just not a habit I could adopt in a real way.
Instead I sit and sort my mail in doses, ideally once a week on a lazy weekend morning while I’m catching up on Jimmy Fallon.
I sort my mail into 2 piles: action items like any subscription I want to renew or any correspondence I have to respond to and anything I have to RSVP for and then another pile to file. Then shred anything that don’t fall in those 2 categories during commercials :).
The key to my method is completing it. That means shredding everything, responding to everything and filing everything in those moments. I don’t allow myself any leeway to leave the filing pile out to put away later or leave invitations to RSVP later-I commit myself to completing the whole mail task.
(available to purchase on etsy here)
If you don’t like this method maybe try sorting and shredding every other day or try vetting the mail beforehand. It’s all about finding a method that makes sense to you.
Minimize Magazines by Clipping
I LOVE magazines. This could definitely be seen as a vice, but I refuse to see it that way! I naturally get a bit behind on reading and one thing I’m starting to implement is a clipping method.
Instead of holding on to a whole magazine look thru the contents and see what articles you really want to read. Rip them right out and put them in a beautiful binder, then recycle the rest of the magazine.
(o’bon 3 ring binders $5.50 available here)
I’m excited to keep my binder on by my couch or take it on a plane ride. It will be so much fun to have a little bit of curated reading of articles I’m fully interested in.
So friends, do you have any tips on keeping mail clutter to a minimum? Any apps out there?
This is my worst nightmare. Especially magazines. They pile up faster than I can read them.![My Profile](http://www.made-to-travel.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
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