Friday night was pretty ah-maaaazing!
Ahhhhhh Miss Jackson! – The tour is for her Number Ones album.
This was the set list:
It was everything I wanted to hear and Janet totally killed it! She looked fantastic and totally lit up the whole place just by smiling. She had lots of awesome costume changes and choreography straight from her old videos. It was a big dance party at Radio City 😀
And this is what I wore:

dress- h&m; jacket-thrifted gap from buffalo exchange; necklace-gifted from the philippines; boots-thrifted from goodwill
A little sassy leather paneled shift dress for Miss Jackson.
I bought this bag on a site called Bidding for Good.
Bidding for Good is an auction site like Ebay but way BETTER. All the items benefit various non-profits and schools. They have lots of lovely things beyond fashion: v.i.p passes to events, trips, gift certificates, electornics (I spotted a Kindle and an Ipad!) and loads more.
If you’d like to browse Bidding for Good I would suggest typing in what you’re looking for in the search area (i.e. watches, purse, bag, Ipad ect.). The site is a little clunky but I’ve picked some pretty things for you below. Click image to be directed to the listing.
SERIOUSLY! -Those Ray Ban Wayfarers have a high bid of $40 bucks!
Saturday– Mamacita’s B’day Celebration!
Mamacita does not really appreciate the shorter hemlines I love, so maxi dress is my friend in these cases. My mom’s b’day celebration was so so great. We packed a small Chinese restaurant in Queens with our family and ate a ridiculous amount of food. She called me shortly after we dropped her off to tell me she was so grateful for the evening and that she felt very fortunate and loved. I mean anything that makes my mamacita feel special makes me really really happy. So yeah, it was pretty great.
The sheer h&m blouse is a new guy! I haven’t shared my newest purchases because I’ve reassessed and will probably be taking a haul back to h&m. More on that another day.
Nail Situation:
The Sally Hansen Salon Effects I posted 2 weeks ago (read review here) totally lasted! I mean it was a bit of a sad state towards the end of this week, but really an impressive showing. You will definitely see more of them.
This is what’s on my tips this week:
I really dig the color! I was super curious about the quality of what an h&m nail polish would be like and I’m happy to report it’s rather nice! A little watery, but the color is true and it coats well…we’ll see how long they last but for now, no complaints here :).
LOVE it! The gold necklace rocks!! Love the nail polish too! I’m also a janet fan 🙂
OOOH! You lucky girl, I love Janet Jackson. I used to listen to her Control album all the time when I was a little girl…showing my age…lol:) You rocked it out with that outfit. Awesome piece on Bidding For Good, too. Going to check them out~Meredith xoxo
Ooh- I didn’t know about Bidding for Good. Thanks for the tip. And Janet Jackson live? You lucky girl! That must have been amazing!
That sounds like an awesome concert. I have heard she puts on awesome show. I really like the dress you wore. The maxi dress is really pretty too.
My Heart Blogged
so lucky about janet! hope you enjoyed it.
i love the outfit you wore with the sheer white blouse and the flowered dress. i keep seeing that H&M blouse everywhere…and keep kicking myself that i didnt buy it! 🙁
Wow, so exciting to see such an music Icon. how fun. I loved what you wore. Beautiful.
Lol I meant you bought the entire collection of H & M’s nail polish, not Essie’s! But at that price; it’s totally acceptable! I will definitely check out H & M next, thanks!