Finally!! Same-Sex Marriage in NYC, Meet the Lovely 1st Couple

Oh friends, I hope one day very very soon same-sex marriage will be accepted everywhere, but for right now I want to celebrate NYC’s step towards equality and the beautiful couple who were the first in line to receive a marriage license and who will be wed in New York City this Sunday, the first official day same-sex couples can be married in NYC: Mimi Brown and Carol Anastasio.

This beautiful couple have been together for almost 20 years and originally had planned to get married at City Hall and then simply buy each other lunch to celebrate :). But the outpouring of support and generosity of this beautiful city has been tremendous and the happy couple have been gifted a great many things.

The Daily News has been following the couple since finding them the first in line June 28th, the Monday after Governor Cuomo signed the same-sex marriage legislation. Really I encourage you to read this couple’s entire story on The Daily News, it is heartwarming.

The eagerness of them wanting their commitment to each other to be recognized is very real and I am so so soooo happy for them.

Footing the bill and providing the ceremony and reception is The Old Homestead Steakhouse in the Meatpacking district, and friends, that is not the end of the couple’s good fortune!

After reading the couple’s journey in The Daily News the Monte Azul resort in Costa Rica were touched by Brown & Anastasio’s story and offered to provide the happy couple a free 4 day honeymoon to remember. The brides have also been given free photography, makeup, and a Broadway star to sing at the couples wedding.

Quotes from the generous donors (source:The Daily News):

“Throw out what food you want – filet mignon, lobster, shrimp, we’ll make it happen,” Old Homestead co-owner Marc Sherry told the giddy couple, adding that he will provide a stretch limousine.

“This is fantastic, what a great way to celebrate equality…The thing that made them special was that . . . they were just like anybody else,” said owner Carlos Rojas, who runs the boutique hotel in Costa Rica’s Chirripo National Park with his longtime partner, Randy Langendorfer.

“They just sounded like wonderful people, genuinely happy and in love,” said Trina Boneville, 40, owner of the Hicksville, L.I., salon Tre Sorelli, which offered to donate its time.

“I wanted to offer my gifts in order to help them celebrate,” said upper West Side singer Sarah Rice, the original Johanna in Broadway’s “Sweeney Todd.”

Gawsh, I would just like to hug all these people!

Ok friends, as a small aside I actually had not heard of this wonderful story. I had no idea this was happening until my boyfriend informed me.

Bf happens to work with one of the brides and as he told me this story he kept repeating how nice she is and humble and good and how they are the most deserving kind of people…I mean imagine! They were really just going to have a lunch and never expected this type of generosity. So so sweet. I kept squealing and started tearing…these are the stories that I like to hear and share.

So come this Sunday Mimi Brown and Carol Anastasio will be wed! YAY! Much joy and congrats to both of them and to all the same-sex couples in New York.



  1. aqui July 22, 2011 / 7:15 pm

    How wonderful! This is so exciting! My dad has been with his partner for 14 years. They said if they ever have the chance to get married, I get to be best man in light of the event. Maybe we’ll be coming to ny soon πŸ™‚ wishful thinking but really this couples story is touching! Going over to read the full story now!

  2. Kristin July 22, 2011 / 10:03 pm

    Way to be New York!!

  3. Dusty July 22, 2011 / 11:12 pm

    This is such a great post. The brides story has brought a smile to my face. Thank you for bringing me this story

  4. July 23, 2011 / 6:54 am

    What a heartwarming story!

    Massive congrats to Mimi and Carol who can finally make their loving relationship official tomorrow! I hope they have the wedding day of their dreams! πŸ™‚

  5. The Compassion Fashion Project July 23, 2011 / 4:28 pm

    That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing this! I guess baby steps are better than no steps at all right? I am so proud to know you. Keep writing and keep inspiring~Meredith xoxo

  6. zarna July 23, 2011 / 5:35 pm

    yaaay!! i’m in full support of gay marriage!

  7. vicks July 23, 2011 / 10:14 pm

    Smile! I was reading and thought, ‘I know that woman!’. This made me smile.

  8. FASHION TALES July 24, 2011 / 12:21 pm

    I love that you did this post, go NY! They look so happy (as everyone should be) together. Have a beautiful day dear friend. xx

  9. jillian m. {coffee, light and sweet} July 24, 2011 / 5:46 pm

    I love this. Today is a happy day and a huge step in the right direction. I’m hoping more states will open their minds and follow in these footsteps!

  10. Jessie at Fashion Limbo July 29, 2011 / 6:44 am

    Now I love New York even more πŸ˜› what a beautiful post, they are two gorgeous ladies and I couldn’t feel happier for them, this brigthens up my Friday πŸ™‚

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