HOLY MOLY! I made candles!!! I have to say I’ve been researching how to reuse my candles for a few months now. I used to burn candles once in a while, but while I had no heat and electricity for over a week during Hurricane Sandy I kind of burned thru my whole stash!

my makeshift fireplace during hurricane sandy
So I had all this candle wax that I didn’t know what to do with and it seemed like such a waste to just chuck it, but I had a lot of fear of DIYing with wax. It’s something I’m super unfamiliar with and a DIY that would involve my stove, but it was so simple!!!
First Step: Removing Wax from Glass Containers
So I looked at a million ways to do this…the internet does not lack answers that’s for sure. But I finally found this simple 3 minute video that made it look simple and quick and it actually IS simple and quick.
*Note: In the video she says not to let your candle vessel drop, but I did and it made this process easier for me. BUT! Keep the vessel in there for a short amount of time as the video instructs.
(click video to be directed to source)
After you take take out the wax from your containers you’ll have a mess of wax and shiny empty glass containers ready to reuse.
Second Step: Making New Candles Out of Old Wax
If you have a double boiler great! But I don’t and I didn’t want to sacrifice another pot to candle making so instead I sacrificed a ladle. I also liked that the ladle had a spout to work with, I can’t imagine doing this sans spout! I’m far too clumsy. I also liked that the ladle made really manageable but still significant amounts of melted wax.
You want to chop your wax into pieces, the smaller the pieces the faster it will melt. Do NOT leave the room while your wax is melting, wax does not boil it will just burst into flame, so be sure to stay close to keep an eye on it.
While your wax is melting you can prep your containers. I bought wicks from my local craft store for $3.00, they are already waxed wicks and are made in the USA.
I totally forgot to take pictures of my wicks with the container setup! But it’s pretty easy you want to center your wick in your container, anchor it with something (I used a couple of small nails), then grab a chopstick, pen or toothpick and tape the wick so that it stays straight as you’re pouring wax. It will look like this….
Let your candles cool completely hard and then you are done!!!
I’m so so soooooo geeked that upcycling candles are so simple! I want to take everyone’s old candles and make new ones :).
LOVE them!!!
Rocquelle Porch recently posted..Where There’s A Will…
Oh so clever!! I love re-purposing items!! Great job love!!
– Aimee
LOVE this! I have always wanted to do it. You have inspired me My Friend<3
Anne recently posted..Glitter Skinny Belt: DIY
Great post, I usually use tea lights which completely burn away but occasionally (it’s usually the expensive ones as well) we have bigger candles and it’s so annoying when they don’t fully use up all the wax this is a great way to get more bang for your buck!
Arash Mazinani recently posted..It’s Time To Celebrate Your Body!
I absolutely love candles these days and I’m going to have a ton of pretty jars with tiny bits of wax left in them soon… definitely have to repurpose them like this!
Alex recently posted..momofuku noodle bar | Lunch
Great DIY J! I’m obsessed with candles and and could use some of the extra wax pieces we have just sitting around. I’m like you getting excited about this, also a fun little project to do. Hope all is well dear. xxoo/Madison
FASHION TALES recently posted..Going West With Gudrun Sjödén
This is perfect! I hate when candles get to that point where there’s tons of wax left but no wick, especially when it’s my favorite candle. I usually just microwaves the wax to where it was liquid and tossed it out to reuse the container, but this seems cooler!
Courtney recently posted..Weekend Wear: Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party
So useful. I have been on a kick of removing the wax and using the jars as storage, but you just took it to the next level. Will have to try this next.
Oh, how brilliant and clever! I love candles so much and we always have tons of wax left:) Thank you for that, darling.
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