sunglasses-bogus in red $95 / dress- casablanca dress $39.99 / bracelet-gold cuff $12.99 / tote-printed olive tote $47.99 / shoes-ivy pine green
$90 $44.99
I’m actually in the Hamptons right now holding on to the last bits of summer. Here’s a little outfit to keep you company while I’m away :).
What fun sunglasses! I’m holding on to summer for dear life. There’s at least three good weeks of heat left, world, don’t go rushing into fall! (Fall has it’s good points, but I’m not done with summer yet!)
Julia | Fair for All Shopping Guide recently posted..Fair Trade Wedding: Bridesmaids
Ha ha, lovely pieces but I’m ready for autumn, I already have my chunky knits ready to come out from storage too!
Arash Mazinani recently posted..I’m a Fashion Blogger, How Do I Frickin’ Use Google Plus?
wow, look it’s an option. I love it and know.