On Thanksgiving, Don’t Forget Yourself

On Thanksgiving every year I am profoundly grateful for my amazing family and friends, and the many many MANY wonderful things I have in my life, but if I’m super honest I have yet to be thankful for myself. So when Michelle thought of the Thanksgiving theme of expressing gratitude for ourselves it was a “a ha” moment for me. This Thanksgiving theme called for 5 things about ME that I am grateful for and because we tend to be… View Post

I Heart the Internet

HI FRIENDS! Thanksgiving week! Exciting! I can’t wait for Thursday with family :). Here are some lovely hearted links to start this fun week. Above: A fun and apt riff on the children’s book Good Night Moon. The most exceptional train tunnel I’ve ever seen. LOVE this list of 15 EASY nail art tutorials. This gift guide has been one of my favorites so far. Lastly, below maybe my favorite post of last week-a testament to how a little fashion… View Post

Shop for MORE-Same Sky

Friends, you know that I am a constant partaker in the arm party so when the fine folks at Same Sky contacted me and introduced me to their beautiful bracelets I was ecstatic. Not only am I crushing on so so many of their gorgeous items the work of Same Sky is truly commendable. Same Sky first partnered with Gahaya Links a company that employs HIV+ women, all survivors of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Same Sky’s success has enabled them… View Post

What I Wore-Green! Green! Green!

So friends this is my latest purchase from Goodwill and I am in deep love with it. (sweater & skirt-goodwill; boots-urban outfitters; arm party-gifted; ring-flea market) I am not so  crazy about the sweater that comes with this suiting, but the color is fantastic and I am going rework it into something….as of yet undecided. But I wanted to show you the whole outfit because it was $25-that’s sweater and skirt friends! This is actually how I wore my new… View Post

I Heart the Internet

Hi friends! I hope you had a fantastic start to your week. Here are some reasons I hearted the internet last week. Above: I love science and I love tattoos and there’s a blog curating science tattoos-swoon! Great tips on how to sneak in your workout! Get inspired with 33 ways to find your passion. I love household products that do double duty-20 unusual ways to use salt. If you have a few minutes I highly recommend this video, tis… View Post

Smile File-Life is Grand

Friends, I read the most beautiful bit of advice on worrying this week on A CUP OF JO. “Picture that the Grand Canyon is your life–your past, present and future. Start envisioning the various parts of your life within the canyon: Over there is the day you were born, your third-grade choir performance, your job as a babysitter. Picture your present: There’s your apartment, your friends, your mom, the book you’re reading right now. Picture your future: There’s your next… View Post

My Perfect Shade of Berry

Berried color lips is something that has been on my wish list since crisp autumn has come to New York and I’ve found my perfect touch of berry in a Moisturizing Lipstick in Berry Jam by a wonderful and unique cosmetic line radiant cosmetics. What makes radiant cosmetics unique is their company’s mission: “Our mission is the help garner awareness for human trafficking by raising funds through cosmetics, to provide resources for those on the forefront of change as well… View Post

I Heart the Internet

Good Monday my friends! I had the best time ever over the weekend at the Museum of Moving Image in Astoria…more on that another time, but for right now here are some links to start your week. Above, beautiful and never released images of Marilyn Monroe. Ecosalon has a great list of 5 fashion trends to THRIFT right now! If you have not read Steve Jobs eulogy written by his sister Mona Simpson, you need to right this instant-I got… View Post

Site Shoutout!-Craftgawker

  Friends I have a real huge obsession with diys and crafting so when I found craftgawker it makes kind of a bad/great situation!   Why I did not know about craftgawker before is absolutely beyond me. Craftgawker is  an assembly of crafts, diys and crafting inspiration listed like a photo album. When you click on the image it directs you straight to the diy/craft. Craftgawker is user generated and curated by the gawkverse editors. So if you’ve got a… View Post

I Heart the Internet-Halloween Edition!

Hearted Halloween links. ENJOY! Above- An assortment of fun Halloween manis all from this board on pinterest. I could NOT pick a fave. Best Halloween lights ever! Really friends, get ready to chair dance while watching :). Easy denim inspired costumes-in case you are scrambling! I really really enjoy creative jack-o-lanterns, this list is random/hilarious and this list is kind of crazy and super creepy. I clicked on this article soooo fast! What do you think the most popular costumes… View Post

Smile File-HallowMeme!

So I looooooooooove Halloween! LOVE! Wednesday night I went to the 3rd annual HallowMeme party and had a blast! The kicker of this party was that your costume had to be an internet meme. You know I heart the internet and this party is kind of a internet nerd’s dream. Do you know what we are?!?!? OMIGOSH! I’ll tell you! So there has been an odd trending topic this year in stock imagery of photos of “woman laughing with salad”.… View Post

Shop for MORE-I Can Serve

  October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I know that you have probably been made aware of a lot of great work to bring awareness to this monster of a cancer but I could not let this month pass without extolling the amazing work of probably one of my biggest role models; my dear cousin in the Philippines, breast cancer survivor and founder of iCanServe Foundation. This month Swatch has teamed up with iCanServe to create this watch. The… View Post

Links á la Mode

Friends,  I was so happy to see my DIY Snakeskin print tee made it onto IFB’s Links á la Mode. I personally think the other DIYS listed below are really awesome so be sure to check them out! Thanks always IFB! You guys rock the house.   When Style Bloggers Turn Haute DIY Designers…. By Jessie Thorpe, Denimology   As fashion bloggers, we look for great fashion at affordable prices. Unfortunately, most times high fashion comes at a substantial price… View Post