What I Wore-His and Hers Snakeskin

  Ok, so not a true true outfit post, but over the weekend the BF and I discovered we had both bought new faux snakeskin shoes. on me-urban outfitters (available here); on the boy- vans (bought here, um this store is kind of sexy) You can see my little fall secret with flats and jeans. I actually tuck them into my flats creating kind of a stirrups look. No one every notices and it keeps my feet a bit warmer… View Post

I Heart The Internet

Happy Monday, friends! Here are hearted links to start your week. Above: Hi tweed run!!! You’re cute! Who knew it was so easy to dye with veggies and fruits?! I’m a little obsessed with the jewelry of a merry mishap. I’m a 90’s girl :D, so 5 Reasons to Buy 90’s Vintage for Spring made me happy. I am drooling over EVERYTHING in this eco-friendly fall roundup. This 16 year old has really flawless style. I SWEAR! Below: notes on… View Post

WAAAAY More Than Fashion-The DMD Fashion Show

Last week I introduced you to my models for the Goodwill Industries NY/NJ Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) Fashion Show in conjunction with the New York City’s Mayor’s Office for People With Disabilities. In case you’re just tuning in I was one of a handful of bloggers asked to style 3 brilliant models with visible and non-visible disabilities in business attire for a fashion show honoring National Disability Awareness Month. Above is the whole gang! Models, bloggers and organizers. (Back Row… View Post

What I Wore-A Bit of Lace

Last month I attended an engagement party and as I walked out the door I had a tee hee moment because I realized my whole ensemble cost me about $60 bucks! (dress-thrifted from keiko lynn; bag-thrifted; shoes calvin klein via dsw; arm party-gifted; ring made her think) I got sooooo many compliments on this dress and it cost me $2 (that’s TWO DOLLARS) at the Blogger Closet Raid over the summer. The dress was crafted by the flawless Keiko Lynn… View Post

I Heart the Internet

Last week is kind of a blur, I was so super busy in awesome ways…so it was a great kind of happy tornado blur. BUT, as a true internet addict I still spotted and hearted these gems to start your week my friends.   Above: Whhhhy I did not know about this tumblr is a mystery! Thank you Kendall for introducing me to Feminist Ryan Gosling…swoon. FYI! If you like peanut butter go stock up now! In a couple of… View Post

Ha! I Made It! – Snake Print DIY

I don’t do as many diy posts as I’d like to but I finally got around to trying one of my many pinned diys because I of course stained my fave tee (it’s ok I have extras, duh). This DIY is inspired by …love Maegan. …love Maegan utilizes the new Sharpie Stained Fabric Markers, which I sadly don’t own. As you can see above per usual of her diys it’s totally flawless. So be sure to take a lookie here.… View Post

My Models Last Night

Last night was the DMD Fashion Show thrown by the fantastic people at Goodwill Industries NY/NJ and the New York City Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. I had the BEST TIME EVER, definitely a banner event that I’ve experienced in blogging. (vest-rachel roy; shirt-Calvin Klein thrifted at goodwill; jeans-uniqlo; shoes-payless; scarf-goodwill) (notice the escalators! 3 floors of goodwill!) In case you missed my post last week on the DMD Fashion Show, I was one of a handful of bloggers… View Post

I Heart the Internet

Happy Monday friends!!! Hope you all had a joy filled weekend. Here are some hearted links to start your week! Above, the dreamy passion fruit interpreted into gorgeous fashion. LOVE LOVE this post! “Beauty is subjective…Never let anyone tell you what’s beautiful” and other fashion lessons to learn from Tom Ford. Eep!!!! Brutal winter predicted. These three incredible women awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in women’s rights. Can you take a compliment?-read how you can and the… View Post

What I Wore-Bluma Project

I heard over the summer anthropologie was going to start carrying fair trade jewelry line the bluma project. I totally fell in love with the bluma project’s really colorful and urban design over the summer so I decided to pop in and see if anthropologie was still carrying any goodies from this ethical brand. AND THEY WERE!!! I scored this gorgeous neon beaded necklace :D. (blazer-h&m; tee and shorts- thrifted via goodwill; shoes thrifted via buffalo exchange) I LOVE IT!… View Post

National Disability Mentoring Day AND! FASHION!

  National Disability Mentoring Day falls on October 19th and I have an exciting project to share with you! But first let’s talk about what exactly is National Disability Mentoring day.   “DMD is held on the third Wednesday of October each year.  DMD promotes career development for students and jobseekers with disabilities through hands-on career exploration, on-site job shadowing, and ongoing mentoring leading to internship and employment opportunities.” (source) So friends, DMD is kind of wonderful and super important… View Post

I Heart the Internet

Good Monday friends! I mean really the internet never disappoints. Here are some hearted links to start your week. The above crayon rings are just one of the radical ring designs! Warnings…some are tad strange most are a lot awesome. Hellooooo first ever tattooed Barbie Doll :D. I’m all pro advancements in nail technology but, there’s a new development… involving magnets (?). Hey ladies! We have choices!!! Let’s get rid of all the “shoulding”. Sara is not only one of… View Post

Smile File-The Levitating Girl

Um, I got a little obsessed with flipping through Natsumi Hayashi’s website. This gorgeous girl is making herself levitate through images. In an interview with MY MODERN MET when asked why she took on this series Hayashi says, “We are all surrounded by social stress as we are bound by the forces of earth’s gravity…So, I hope that people feel something like an instant release from their stressful days by seeing my levitation photos.” (source) How sweet is that? I… View Post