What I Wore-Corporate to Casual

When I started interviewing for new jobs I had a little bit of a dilemma. My current job was soooooo casual that to walk in with something remotely looking business kind of makes things look obvious.  And while my employer knew I was looking for other work I really didn’t want to look out of place. So this is how I took my interview outfit and made it casual. First off my interview outfit.   I always choose a dress… View Post

I <3 the Internet

I had a fantastic long weekend in Boston and I hope you had a wonderful weekend too. Here are some hearted links to start your week off. Above, SOKO, a fantastic fair trade manufacturer in Kenya (see my post on ASOS Africa made by SOKO here and here) are working on Choolips Spring/Summer 2012. Any love for SOKO makes me happy. LOVING pretzel braid! Yes it’s different than the milkmaid. You know I’m a super geek, right!??! So this slideshow… View Post

Shop for MORE-Free the Nations

I am soooooo excited to share with you the amazing Shop for MORE this week!!! You’ve actually had a little peek at their wonderful goods as I was obsessed with my latest purchase from them, but I would like you to formally meet. Friends I’d like to introduce you to the gorgeous jewelry of free the nations.   I have no idea why I did not know of this beautiful shop and I was delighted when Sarah Hale founder of… View Post

What I Wore-Going Gatsby

The charm of New York NEVER ends I tell you! The 6th bi-annual Jazz Age Lawn Party was held a few weeks ago on Governors Island and I was happy to attend with some lovely peeps. When I think of the 20’s I think of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The description of  the elite life in Long Island with dreamy white lace dresses á la Mia Farrow in the film version with Robert Redford (hubba hubba). I… View Post

Guest Post! : Reworking with Meredith

Friends, I love bloggers that are able to restyle and re-purpose things you already own and Meredith from yours,mine & ours is basically a mega super guru at these things. And while I have ideas and a bag full of clothes with intentions to restyle Meredith is pushing out restyle after restyle. I showed you my recent winning from Meredith’s fantastic  freepile yesterday and she so kindly offered to do an easy restyle for my readers. My sewing machine has… View Post

What I Wore-Free Pile Dress

So friends, a little while back I won this at Meredith’s blog yours, mine, & ours. Well, actually I didn’t quite win that exactly. I won this: One of Meredith’s frees pile finds, a skirt labeled 3X. I pretty consistently wear a small or medium so this skirt is about 5 times my size; it dropped right to the floor when not held up. But Meredith did me a solid with picking out a free pile item with a pattern… View Post

I <3 The Internet-Enough Awesome to Go Around

It’s time to share some of the faves off the reader :). This shoot by Jean-François Campos modeled by Denisa Dvorakova really took my breath away. Found on Fiamma’s Fashion Spot “Shoot of the Week”.   How flippin’ cute and just in time for summer picnics! Boxsal picnic sets available here, discovered on Design Crush. Check out this mega simple genuis bell bottom diy from Honestly WTF. You know I heart a good striped mani! How wonderfully graphic-LOVE. Found on… View Post
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Fathers Day Finds at Miss Malaprop

So Father’s day is nearing, friends. How that happened, I do NOT know! So it is no accident that my Shop for MORE feature this week has wonderful options for the daddies that make the world go round. Mallory Whitfield is the wonderful woman behind Miss Malaprop and I can not tell you how thrilled I am to feature her shop here. Long before I was blogging I was an avid blog reader and I have loved Mallory’s blog for… View Post
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Punch Lines-FTF Blog Event 6/8

For the June Full Time Fabulous event Kristy Eléna asked us to be creative in interpreting Summer trends. Part of me feels so much is on trend right now; from lacy nudes to the brightest color-blocking to sharp minimalism or an easy bohemian style-all are pretty right on trend right now. I love a great many of these trends, so picking one was really difficult. But then I happened on this April Vogue piece: Punch Lines Gasp, hand to mouth,… View Post

The Compassion Fashion Project

There are a million reasons why bloggers blog and they are all valid and wonderful in their own right, but I would like to draw your attention to Meredith Corning’s intentions with The Compassion Fashion Project. “The objective of The Compassion Fashion Project is to bring awareness to the issue of domestic violence and promote the healing process for the victims through providing fashionable clothing, especially professional attire, accessories, and personal care products…Our mission is to be a fixture in… View Post
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What I Wore-Romping Around

It was a date night for me and the boy. We’re a pretty simple couple just out to enjoy the warm weather and a lobster roll at Luke’s Lobster (mmm, yum). My go to look numero uno for Summer is something short. (romper-walter via cadillac castle consignment; blazer-target; necklace-street fair; shoes-urban outfitters; bracelets all gifted) I actually have a thing with rompers. I LOVE the way they look but hmmm how shall I put this…(boys, please excuse us) you kind… View Post
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Smile File-What Should I Read Next!?

When I think of Summer, I think of reading and I discovered this fantastic site via Stacy Igel to help you decide what to read next! Friends, I give you Book Seer. I typed in Green Grass Running Water, by Thomas King. LOVE this book by the way. Then they recommended! Hi, I LOVE YOU! Enjoy and best of luck finding your next good read :). P.S.-If you have a book recommendation send it!!! I read everything! View Post
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Extra! Extra! Extra!

I participated in few fantastic blog posts by really incredible bloggers. Firstly the awesomely hilarious Steph from the Louder Mouth asked the FTF community to show off our buns! Blogger Buns :D…ya know the buns on your head not the ones on your backside ;). This is Steph. Her outfits are typically genius and she’s all kinds of fun. If you’d like to see my bun and the other blogger buns visit her post HERE. Then there was the fantastic… View Post
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