Guest Post: Smile File-Miles of Hope Fashion Show

Hello, made-to-travel readers! I’m Casee Marie, the voice behind The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower (fashion/beauty/everything blog) and Literary Inklings (could you guess? – a literature blog). I was beyond thrilled when Jamillah contacted me with the invitation to contribute a guest post to her beloved made-to-travel while she’s off celebrating her b-day in true fashion blogger style! One of my favorite things about made-to-travel (besides its gorgeous author) is the do-goodness and sheer joy that radiates through my… View Post

Guest Post: Ethical Travel Essentials!

Hello dears, it’s Madison (Lady of Fashion) from Fashion Tales. I am elated to be guest posting over here for the lovely Jamillah during her relaxing holiday. She’s one passionate lady with an eco-heart and sincere desire for helping others. She’s also become a genuinely close friend of mine in the blogsphere.  Traveling is something that I’ve done since I was an infant really and, by getting older, I’ve certainly developed my own tips and tricks when on-the-go. However, this time I wanted to share with you a… View Post

Guest Post: Indoor Gardening for the Urban Gal

Hi I’m Sara of Aquí! After living in Brazil and then Hawaii, I grew accustom to a highly vegetated environment. Now, I’m living smack dab in the middle of a bustling metropolitan and my studio apartment is less than garden friendly. {Really, I don’t even have a window box}  That said, I’ve been searching for ways to incorporate a bit of foliage in to my urban space so obviously, I’m opting for houseplants. With a bit of research I found… View Post

Guest Post- Smile File: Friend Day

Hello made-to-travel, readers!! Kateri of IretakStudios here as another guest for our lovely Birthday Girl (if you didn’t know, she is out on vacay celebrating her birthday!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DARLING FRIEND :). Some notes before I start on our Friend Day. Jamillah and I both laugh at the same things and when we start and the laughing gets good we laugh and laugh and LAUGH :). She is the friend I can sit in front of a TV with… View Post

Guest Post: BIY- Bootleg It Yourself-Nail Dot Tool

Hey all! I’m Vicky; Jamillah and I have known each other since high school (eek), while she’s off enjoying life and getting an amazing tan in St. Lucia (confession: I’m pasty, landlocked, and jealous) let’s get busy so we have some great stories to tell her about all the made-to-travel activity she missed while she was away. A little about me: I’m not a blogger yet HOWEVER I am a bootlegger heiress.  One of my great-grandfathers was a bootlegger in… View Post

Guest Post: Etsy Wishlist

Hey there lovelies!! Rocquelle here from Consider Me Lovely!  When Jamillah emailed me about writing a guest post, I was beyond honored (as this is my first guest post ever) and geeked, and then puzzlement took over, as I had no idea what I would write about, within the stipulations provided to ensure that my post fit the ethical standards of Jamillah and made-to-travel. Then I had a chat with her one evening, and we started talking about ethical fashion,… View Post

Guest Post: What Ethical Consumerism Means Today: Interview w/ The Andean Collection

This guest post is written by Mallory Whitfield, a proud resident of New Orleans, Louisiana. She has been blogging at since 2006 and also runs an online shop dedicated to the very best in handmade and eco-friendly gifts. I’ve been following fashionable fair trade brand The Andean Collection since very early on. They work with native artisans in the Andean mountain regions of South America to create beautiful and sustainable jewelry and accessories. The Andean Collection recently became the… View Post

Guest Post: How to Score a Travel Deal

Hello made to travel-ers! I’m Jillian and I blog over at coffee, light and sweet, a place where I share snippets of my life in the city, recipes, fun links and the occasional sprinkling of organizational tips, beauty, fashion, diys and other miscellany. You should come over and say hi sometime! When you’re done reading this, of course. Ha. In theme with the title of this blog and Jamillah’s vacation, I’m here to share some tips on scoring a sweet… View Post

MarketPlace: Handwork of India $100 Giveaway

This giveaway is CLOSED THANK YOU!!! When MarketPlace Handwork of India contacted me to collaborate on a giveaway I can not tell you how excited I was. If you’ve been reading made-to-travel for a bit you know this is exactly the kind of company I want to know and shop from! The kind folks at MarketPlace had me choose an item of clothing to style AND they are generously gifting a made-to-travel reader (that is YOU) with $100 to MarketPlace!… View Post

Smile File-Nearly Time for Vacay

  So friends in 3 short days I leave for my much awaited and way overdue vacation :). Because I’ll be away for 1 week and then drowning at work when I get back I am surrendering my dear made-to-travel to some fantastic ladies. Trust me I am leaving you in really good hands. Madison of Fashion Tales Claire of My Illustrative Life Mallory of Miss Malaprop Jillian of Coffee Light & Sweet Vicky of MY REAL LIFE :D-I kinda… View Post

What I Wore-Pastels

Hi Friends…I have a confession. When I find something I like I kind of get obsessed with it. I guess it is true to say when I love something I love it alllllll the way. This is what happened with my deep attraction to Catherine Ogust printed dresses. I stumbled on a Catherine Ogust dress on Etsy while perusing for neon and I put it in my favorites contemplated and then decided, “YES THIS HAS TO BE MINE” only to… View Post

I Heart the Internet

Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate And though I oft have passed them by A day will come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun. J.R.R Tolkien via LibraryLand Hello dear friends! Happy Monday. Just a little reminder to sometimes wander it is good for the soul :). Now here are some reasons I hearted the internet last week. Above,… View Post
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A Trip to 2568…

Last week I had the opportunity to visit 2568 Shoes’ offices to preview their upcoming fall collection with Pendleton. I had not heard of 2568 before, but after a quick google I knew I wanted to visit. All the vibrant and truly special fabrics used in 2568 are hand loomed with hand dyed fibers, ethically made by women in Guatemala. 2568 pride themselves as “classic with a twist” and that is exactly what I found in their beautiful showroom/office. The… View Post